Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

pencil no jutsu


tobi is ichigo

tobi is ichigo

Friday, November 27, 2009

poolangya's Naruto chapter 474 prediction

i got a bit lazy to predict full scripts for 17 pages, so i just did this instead..

my naruto 474 prediction:

Friday, November 20, 2009

poolangya's Naruto chapter 471 Prediction

my 471 prediction:

Shave! Samehada

page 1: Kisame unleashed samehada. Samehada's mouth is drooling. Killerbee is confused how his tailed state failed him. Kisame attacks, Killerbee parries with his lightning infused-blade. His blade was drained again of the chakra so he had to jump back to avoid a 2nd attack from kisame. He confirms everything now, just as Sabu-chan tells what samehada can do.

page 2:
Samehada:" szz szz sa sa sa szz szz krrr krrr cha"
Kisame:" Samehada likes your chakra, u gonna be food in no time."
Killerbee:" you and your sword looks very ugly, too bad,me being yer food is unlikely"
Killerbee then grabs a stone, infused it with lightning and threw it at Kisame. Kisame blocks it with samehada

page 3:
Kisame charges at Killerbee.leaps up as Kisame slices horizontally, cutting down a tree. Killerbee holds onto the tree,infused lightning on it,and tries to bat Kisame, Samehada absorbs the lightning chakra.

page 4: just as leaves were scattered, Killerbee grabs a handful, jumps diagonally to flank Kisame on the left side, then shoots lightning infused leaves towards Kisame.
Kisame:" Tch, too many" as he tried to avoid the leaves while jumping back.
Samehada:"szz szz szz szz cha cha"
Kisame:" Don't worry, we'll get him."
Killerbee:" Get me? you are cocky. Tonight you'll be the dish, we gonna have a party"

page 5: Sabu-chan is confused why Killerbee is feeding samehada with his chakra when he already knew that it would only strengthen the opponent. Kisame charges again while Killerbee is still mid-air. Killerbee got no choice but to parry the attack with 4 of his shortswords.

page 6: Kisame's swing was too powerful, it knocked Killerbee through the trees. Kisame rushes forward to Killerbee but suddenly jumped sideways to avoid Killerbee's massive lightning leaves attack. not only leaves but also lightning infused birds and lightning infused bird's nests and eggs and chipmunks tries to stab at Kisame. Kisame was penetrated by a lightning infused egg on his right thigh but didn't pushed through him because it broke inside his thigh. Killerbee smiles.

page 7: Killerbee falls down from the sky towards Kisame. Kisame notices and then uses Geyser-no-jutsu. Water from underground gushes upwards halting Killerbee's advance. Kisame Jumps towards Killerbee and tries another slashing move. Killerbee is one step ahead with his attack, makes a sword flurry with 4 swords(no lightning infused-straight up taijutsu), and Kisame was forced to block while being under Killerbee's flurry.

page 8: As they fell down, Killerbee unleashes his 3 tailed state again. Kisame's eyes widened in enthusiasm, Samehada drooled more. and since they are falling, Killerbee's face fell on Samehada's drool,causing him to lose focus on his attack. Kisame took advantage and grabs Killerbee's arm,reversed their position (killerbee is now underneath Kisame) and forced a shave on Killerbee's arm.

page 9: As Killerbee's arm was shaved by samehada, his 3-tailed state was lost again. he felt dizzy, and he felt his chakra draining. Kisame is going for another shave off Killerbee's are, just as Sabu-chan and his massive lightning infused hammer does a horizontal chop for Kisame's neck. Kisame blocked in time but released hold of Killerbee as Bee falls down for the count. Kisame was knocked back about 100 yards. Sabu chan fell to the ground far from Killerbee,then collapsed.

part10: Kisame approaches towards the chakra less Sabu.
Killerbee: "Sabu-chan!! u ok mah man?!! He is coming,u better get going!!"
Sabu-chan: " Killerbee, you can have the passion,if you really put your heart into it. Rapping and Enka is entirely different, you were made to rap, and just rap only. however you can mix enka's soul into your music. put your heart into it and passion will flow"

page11: Kisame strikes at a fallen sabu-chan. As he smirks at Killerbee
Kisame:" u be next.. my little octopus."
Samehada:" szzz sszzz cha cha krr krrr szz szz"
Kisame:" yes yes my dear, we will feed now."
Killerbee: " why you?!?! i ain't gonna be, however you disagree. i don't care if ya horoscope is pisces, i wont be food for the fishes!"

page12: Killerbee stood up, tailed state began forming again. this time 6 tails are visible. Kisame and Samehada is both now drooling.
Kisame:" your chakra is tasty, samehada grows more hungry"
Killerbee:" you killed ponta, you gonna pay,you killed Sabu, you gonna pay, you make fun of rap, but your words full of crap, first i'll make you cry, then you gonna die!"

page 13: At the resthouse near Iron Country, Naruto, Yamato and Kakashi looks at the backs of Sakura Team as they headed out.
Naruto:"Sai, you can come out now."
Sai: *surprised* " how did you know?"
Naruto: " i felt 2 of you approach. So what the hell happened?"
Sai: " truth is i was surprised myself, that wasn't what she was supposed to tell you."
Yamato:"what is going on in her head?"
Kakashi:" then tell us sai, what have you all concurred with sasuke's situation."

page14: Sai proceeded to tell what has happened at the rookie meet.
Sai:" we have all decided to let sakura talk. actually she insisted on being the one to tell you... that sasuke is no longer their comrade anymore. He is a criminal to be disposed of. Therefore.."
Naruto:"..not a comrade of theirs anymore huh? and telling me that would mean what? that i should stand aside and let them kill him? is that it? that i go back to konoha, stop all this nonsense of chasing sasuke, so i will not be a hindrance to his assassination?"

Sai:" but sakura has a point, you made a promise to her and she believes you're trying to do the impossible because of your promise of a lifetime."
Naruto:" what she doesn't understand is that promise i made a few years ago is not only for her. But also for myself and Sasuke. I will need to see for myself before jumping into conclusions that he doesn't deserve to be a comrade anymore unlike what you all did."
Sai:" you say that because you are hiding something else are you not?what's it about sasuke this time? why did he join Akatsuki after defeating his brother? you're not telling a secret, you can spill it up now"
Yamato:"tch, what are you really up to sai?"
Kakashi:"Sai, sometimes you really need to learn when to shut your mouth up"
Naruto:"shh,. we got company."
Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari shows themselves 50 meters from where Naruto and company are.

page 15: the fight with Kisame and Killerbee is still on. Killerbee is more focused on avoiding all of Kisame's shave attacks, while Kisame is fully intent on driving Killerbee on a corner for him to shave. 7 lightning infused short swords are stuck on the ground surrounding them. Killerbee is bleeding from shave marks on one of his arms, while kisame has a long gash on his cheek.
Kisame:" you really think you can get me with those massive leaf lightning attacks did you? you even included your short swords just to pierce me. too bad your efforts are wasted,you only managed a scratch and you got just 1 sword left to fight me.

page16: Killerbee spoke with the 8-tail, agreeing that now of all times should be the time to use his full powers now. having released 6 tails, he powered up to 7, and then into 8 tails revealing the massive octobull hachibi. Kisame and Samehada can't stop drooling now.
Kisame:" and yes, that's my boy. you should have given up earlier. now you don't stand a chance." ***suiton: ocean-adventure-no-jutsu!***

page17: water gushes out from everywhere, filling up the entire battlefield,drowning the trees and the corpses of Sabu-chan and Ponta. this is the same jutsu used by the 30% kisame before,but at 100% no land is on-sight.
Kisame:" and i'm sure you at your bijuu form is no match against a suiton of this magnitude, now you will die ya fake octopus!"
Kisame dives underwater for another attack on floating Hachibi. Killerbee smiles, as he struck his last short sword into the waters. The lightning infused blades stuck on the battlefield activates once more,and as water is a very viable conductor, the ocean becomes filled with electricity.

notes for next chapter: which tastes better,an octopus fry or a shark fry? will madara step in again like the meddler he has always been? will sakura be kidnapped and just like bleach, a rescue attempt would take place? will mizukage get cold while just wearing skimpy dresses while in iron country, and will her sidekick get the moment of his manhood?

next chapter: hachibi

11-06-2009, 10:52 PM

poolangya's Naruto chapter 472 prediction

my Naruto 472 Prediction:


page 1: Kisame fused with samehada attacks Killerbee while underwater the ball of h20. Killerbee partially blocking Kisame's rush from all angles because underwater, Kisame has the advantage in this form. He was able to bite the arms and legs of Killerbee, turning the battlefield red.

page 2: Killerbee is worn out by Kisame's relentless attacks. He has to hide somehow to regain a little edge in his spirit. He used the ink from his mouth to blacken the water surrounding him, and made his escape further underwater behind boulders.

page 3: but Kisame,being the shark he is,can smell and taste blood from miles away. He easily located Killerbee behind the giant boulder concealing him. He used a suiton under water blast jutsu to destroy the rock revealing Killerbee. But this move intended for a surprise attack has Kisame surprised instead.

page 4: Killerbee is in full hachibi form, the octobull. though massive in size, the boulder surely hid him. but as surprise faded into excitement, they both get ready for the attack
Kisame: Now we will get ourselves squid steak tonight.
Killerbee: I'm not a squid ya stupid freak. gonna bust yer teeth and make ya leak!
Kisame: oho still rapping at a time like this, dontcha realize you gonna die?
Killerbee: Hoshigake kisame,you talk too much. ahm gettin hungry u'll suffice for lunch.

page 5: Fuu is rapidly falling down towards the blade he has set-up. Ao is anxiously awaiting for his return to his body. Fuu thought of his next move when he releases the jutsu, and could think of none.

page 6: Fuu suddenly stopped short of the blade. Ao was surprised. Fuu perspired heavily.
Fuu: *thinking to himself* this guy didn't even flinch? So he was serious afterall with his bluff.
Ao: scared so much you wet yourself? why didn't you proceed as you planned?

page 7
Ao: or is it because you have no other moves left if i am to counter this pathetic plan of yours?
Fuu: *thinking to himself* he figured me out. I have to make a bluff of my own. but is it too late to try again? gaaahhh i will do it definitely, insulting me like i'm scared huh?
Fuu: *aloud* i was just getting your reaction.and also i am computing for the speed at which i fall. I don't want you to escape when i have you on a bind like this. I won't fail
Ao: tch, then do it already.

page 8: Fuu climbed up again on the tree. He has to have a next move after this one. Should he call Torune for back up? it is still far from here, it would take more than a minute for torune to catch up and assist.
Ao: hey, are you still thinking of jumping down now? don't be afraid too much you know. You won't feel what hit you i swear. You'd die in an instant.

page 9: Fuu is still hesitating to jump.He can't believe this guy can be underestimating him so much it annoys him. He is not good at bluffing he admits. But a split second transfer is not far from impossible. "i can do it" Fuu said to himself as he jumps off the branch and launches himself down, towards the scythe-blade a second time, trying hard not to close his eyes as the blade nears his neck.

page 10: Killerbee is trying to back up a little from Kisame. he is having trouble now because 5 of his tentacles are still regenerating. Kisame was able to chop off 5 of Killerbee's tentacle off with his teeth. now Kisame is slowly gliding towards the octopus, going for the kill.
Kisame: now to end this.

page 11: Killerbee is in a slight state of panic. He is not rapping now.
Killerbee: is it really that bad?
Hachibi: yes it is, i have to regenerate, it would take time.
Killerbee: How long?
Hachibi: gain some 5 minutes for me. i cannot lend you my chakra for now if you want me to make it faster.
Killerbee: alright. i will fight this shark by myself for now. please make it fast.

page 12:Killerbee reverted to his human form. Kisame stopped in his tracks towards killerbee.
Kisame: why did you go back to your original form?!?!
Killerbee: I can handle you boy sharky.
Kisame: have you given up already?!?! come on!! you're not good to eat that way!! transform and let's fight it out at full!!!

page 13: Killerbee noticed something weird from what kisame said. Kisame wants to him to transform? He readies himself as Kisame starts to attack. He was able to avoid most of Kisame's attacks and parry most of his bites with his sword. Killerbee uses ink to avoid some attacks and fall back but kisame easily hunts him down. His scent was already memorized.

page 14: Killerbee notices that unlike earlier, Kisame has lost his appetite. his hunger to destroy him and eat all his chakra. it was like Kisame was pushing him to transform again into one massive chakra. He is now thinking whether it is a better option to try and overpower this monster, or to try and take him out with what he's got left in this ol' Killerbee form.

page 15: Ao is back in his body. He is resting slumped in a nearby tree. Mizukage and the boy bodyguard is with him.
Mizukage: what happened to you?
Ao: Danzou sent one of his men, to kill me and take the byakugan.
Mizukage: that creep, do you know where they are heading now?
Ao: i can locate them but lemme rest awhile,it'll take time to get used again to a normal body
chojiro: ah eh ahm err..
Ao: what is it boy? say it already.
chojiro: can i go take a leak in the bathroom?!
Mizukage: gaaaahhhh!! then go!!!

page 16: back at the iron country where the kage summit occured. Sakura and her team are searching for the whereabouts of Sasuke. Kiba leads them into the chamber where the battle of Raichu and Sasuke happened. They all saw the destruction and wondered what the hell happened at the Kage Summit. Kiba's nose leads them to the room where the 5 kages meet, where the last of sasuke's scent can be smelled. Upon entering the room everybody was surprised.
Sakura: who?!?
Kiba: what?!?
Sai: where?!?
Akamaru: woof?!?
Juugo: why?!?
Suigetsu: oh damn more company?!?!

page 17: Raikage arrived at the ball of water. He can feel Killerbee in there, that jinchuriki chakra of his cannot hide from him now that he's this close. He is fighting someone really strong. He can't believe it either.
Raikage|: all that chakra, but it can't be another jinchuriki. Must be this Kisame we've been warned about.
Darui: Sir, Killerbee is still in it. we must help him, his chakra seems to be on the verge of exhaustion.
Shii: Sir, what are you trying to do?
Raikage dips his cut arm inside the ball of water, he smiled as his team, the first time we ever see him smile.
Raikage: I'm punishing my brother. and I'm taking him back.
Raikage conducts a large amount of lightning chakra from his body into the water, electrifying it with gigavoltages of electricity.

will fried octopus taste better than a fried shark? We saw Kisame's ribcage on 471, will we see more gore from this time on? is this kisame's final form or does he still have something up his fins? Will sakura find sasuke or will she find her death?
next on chapter 473: the curse of the akatsuki cloak

edit: i totally forgot that sabu-chan is inside the blob of water!! ahahaha poor sabu..

11-13-2009, 08:54 AM

poolangya's Naruto chapter 473 prediction

my 473 prediction:


page 1: Kisame slashes at Killerbee's legs. He cut of both of the legs easily. Killerbee never uttered a groan of pain.
Kisame: " nice clean cut! your sword is pretty decent for a weapon. Now you cannot run, no more escaping, time for you is surely fading. now where has that rap come from?"

page 2: Kisame looks at samehada sadly. Samehada drools.
Kisame: " why? why do you have to trade me huh? and for this? after all we've been through? after all the fights we've had and been together? all those nights we shared? all the times i have fed you and you fed me? now you're throwing it all away?"
Samehada: " gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi"
Kisame: " :'( "
Kisame sheds a tear from the corner of his left eye.

page 3: Kisame remembers all of their moments together. The first time he saw Samehada when he was still just a pup was very unforgettable. Samehada, shimmering under the pale sunlight, it was a marvelous sight to see. the first time he has held samehada with his hands was very nerve wracking, never knowing whether he would be allowed to hold him was filled with fear and excitement. He remembers the fights they've fought and won together and the celebration that follows. he remembers the nights they shared, sleeping together while holding samehada in his arms, or under his head for pillows. He remembers, all those memories, now down the drain because of this legless man.

page 4: Kisame wonders how he would fare now, that he can no longer hold samehada in his hands. He looked at his hands, and saw Killerbee's short sword. That's right, his hands are free now. free to hold different swords.
Kisame: "You think you can hurt my feelings by dumping me for this man? well guess what, you won't get him. I'll be taking him and he will die after his bijuu's extracted. and another guess what, i don't need you anymore, i found my new sword, and i'll also be taking it."
Samehada: " gigigi gigi giigigigigiiigigigig, gigi igigiigii giggiigigi"

page 5: Kisame laughs hysterically.
Kisame: "You dare threaten me? what can you do? nothing! you dumped me for nothing. I have the last laugh samehada. gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk."
Kisame took Killerbee and put him over his shoulder. glanced at samehada slumped at the foot of the tree one last time, then disappeared through a poof of mist.

page 6: Sabu chan arrived at the scene of the crime. He looked around the ink stains and saw samehada drooling far back slumped beside a tree. Of Killerbee he found no trace except for his legs. His legs!! exhaustion must be getting to him because of his delayed reaction. Why can't he have run faster, he could have done something to prevent bee from being taken..
Sabu: "Killerbee i'm sorry, I wasn't strong enuf and i was just a burden to you."
Sabu chan slumped on the ground in front of the 2 legs of Killerbee.

page 7: Sabu chan noticed that samehada is crawling towards them, he backs away from it, and notices that samehada continues crawling forward. not to him, but towards the legs of KB. Samehada upon reaching KBs legs, layed rest on top of it.
Sabu:" it's not planning to eat Killerbee's legs? WTH?"

page 8: Suddenly Sabu-chan was startled. Killerbee's head pops out of the cut portion of his legs. looking around until eyes met Sabu chan's
Killerbee: " he is gone isnt he?"
Sabu: " WTH? you scared the shit outta me?! you look an awful mess!!"
Killerbee: "i gotta escape from him somehow. good thing Samehada here likes me more. Good boy!" *pats samehada on his spiky body*
Sabu: " will you come out now? i'll be having nightmares the way you look right now"

page 9: Killerbee emerges from his legs. He manages to troll once more using replacement jutsu. He thinks he should call this move something special, first he was able to troll Sasuke and company, now Kisame. This jutsu deserves a decent name, he thought.
Killerbee:" If samehada didn't suddenly decides to be my ho, i'm a fuckin goner the way things go."
Sabu:" The way Samehada senses chakra, surely if Kisame still wields it, he would know you were just hiding inside your legs. but i was surprised samehada chose you over his former master"

page10: Killerbee picked up a drooling samehada while wagging its handle, just like a dog. He feels his chakra replenishing. Hachibi also feels the same effect.
Killerbee:" now this is more like it. i feel unstoppable now, i can even make my brother kneel down with this! This feeling is awesome!! Makes me want to rap my throat out yyyeeaaaahhhhh!!!"
Sabu: "Our Enka lessons is far from over yet, Killerbee. Let's go back, maybe you can heal Ponta."
Killerbee: "Of course i will learn this Enka, Enka + rap i'll be a mastah!"

page11: At distance behind a tree, a shadow looks on the backs of the departing Killerbee and Sabu. Killerbee looks notices the gayest chakra he've ever felt with the help of Samehada, and met eyes with this shadow, before turning away and leave. He saw eyes of yellow pigment. He remembers seeing that kind of eyes before on a cold blooded animal. he remembers now, those are eyes of a snake.
Kabuchimaru: " i should have gotten here earlier while i could have gotten Samehada for my own... I can do that for later, now i have to meet with Konoha's Hokage... hissssss"

page12: At Konoha infirmary, medic nins are bustling around. It seems to be very festive inside the clinic, a lot of them are gathering in front of a room trying to see what is going on. The other patients are also astounded by the medics' attempts at ignoring their calls just to look at what's going on inside the room. Shizune is on one of the beds, and on top of her is Tsunade.
Tsunade:" I said give me sake!! sake will surely nurse this bones flesh and skin of mine!"
Shizune:" But, you have to continuously take medication first, in one week you can..."
Tsunade:" I said now! I know my body better than you think you do... my strength is regaining fast.. btw, where is Naruto?!?"

Page13: Naruto is slumped at the roof of the rest house while under the torrent of snowfall. He is on sage mode, trying to determine the location of Sasuke. He realized now how he can manage to stay a lil bit longer in sage mode. and he has also managed to make the chakra detection through Natural Energy disturbance farther in radius. On his side is Sai, looking intent.
Naruto: " what is it that bothers you sai?"
Sai:" oh! uhm, nothing... i just wonder what your next moves are now that you know what sakura and the others think about sasuke."
Naruto:"You are still not telling me something. That is not all that concerns you. Is there a seal on your mouth or tongue or something that makes you lie?"
Sai is surprised how naruto knew. no, more likely it was just a guess, a punch in the dark, and that was a question to him. Naruto knows he is hiding something, and would he catch the lie if he said "no"?

page14: Just after Naruto's query, Kakashi and Yamato came up the roof.
Kakashi: " Sai, show us your tongue."
Yamato: " Kakashi senpai, you also know of this seals?"
Kakashi: " It was just hearsay, but i do heard it a lot back then, You were in anbu longer than i am Yamato, are the seals really imposed on root?"
Yamato: " I am not really sure if the information i got before was correct. but we will definitely find out, right Sai?"
Naruto: "Huh!?! WTF?!? jump!!!"

page15: the rest house they were on suddenly exploded from a fierce gale of wind. Debris flew around the house engulfing it and chased Naruto, Sai, Yamato, and Kakashi's trail. A hooded person flew towards them to engage them and Naruto's Kagebunshin collided with it, diverting the direction before it went poof.
Naruto: "wood."
Kakashi: " what was that Naruto?"
Naruto: " It's a puppet. And that (pointing at the chasing debris) is sand. I was not so sure before when i felt three people approach. Now i'm sure"

page16: The sand chasing them was fast, and in a few moments they are bound by it. At the clearing, Kakashi, Yamato, Sai, and Naruto saw the people who attacked them. pointed at the necks of those 3 are kunais held from 3 different Sage Mode Naruto Kagebunshins.
Naruto: " Kankuro, Temari, and Gaara of the Sand. What brought you here. and that was some greeting you have for us."
Gaara: "Uzumaki Naruto. I've heard a lot about you, i was making sure that i am making the right decision."
They both smiled,Then the Sand prison dissipated, Kagebunshins lowered their weapons, Gaara and Naruto shook hands.

page17: Madara is in front of the Gedo Mazo statue and is surprised at how kisame came back with the 8th tail host. He was pretty much beat up.
Madara:" You've lost your cloak. And you've lost Samehada."
Kisame:" It's a small price to pay for this. This one tough bastard though, tough to hear him yap all throughout the fight. as for the cloak, we have spare ones i believe."
Madara: " I see, now that we have him, let me make preparations for the extraction. Are you sure you weren't trolled like sasuke?"
Kisame: " Humph, don't compare me with those noobs."

Next Chapter:
What will Madara do when he finds out they were trolled a second time by Killerbee? What will Kisame use now for pillow during cold cold nights? What is Sai thinking? What will Gaara do? When will Kabuchimaru show himself again? Is tsunade still a grandma who's hot? or not? find out on

Chapter 474

Origins of the Akatsuki Cloak

11-20-2009 06:48am