Friday, November 20, 2009

poolangya's Naruto chapter 472 prediction

my Naruto 472 Prediction:


page 1: Kisame fused with samehada attacks Killerbee while underwater the ball of h20. Killerbee partially blocking Kisame's rush from all angles because underwater, Kisame has the advantage in this form. He was able to bite the arms and legs of Killerbee, turning the battlefield red.

page 2: Killerbee is worn out by Kisame's relentless attacks. He has to hide somehow to regain a little edge in his spirit. He used the ink from his mouth to blacken the water surrounding him, and made his escape further underwater behind boulders.

page 3: but Kisame,being the shark he is,can smell and taste blood from miles away. He easily located Killerbee behind the giant boulder concealing him. He used a suiton under water blast jutsu to destroy the rock revealing Killerbee. But this move intended for a surprise attack has Kisame surprised instead.

page 4: Killerbee is in full hachibi form, the octobull. though massive in size, the boulder surely hid him. but as surprise faded into excitement, they both get ready for the attack
Kisame: Now we will get ourselves squid steak tonight.
Killerbee: I'm not a squid ya stupid freak. gonna bust yer teeth and make ya leak!
Kisame: oho still rapping at a time like this, dontcha realize you gonna die?
Killerbee: Hoshigake kisame,you talk too much. ahm gettin hungry u'll suffice for lunch.

page 5: Fuu is rapidly falling down towards the blade he has set-up. Ao is anxiously awaiting for his return to his body. Fuu thought of his next move when he releases the jutsu, and could think of none.

page 6: Fuu suddenly stopped short of the blade. Ao was surprised. Fuu perspired heavily.
Fuu: *thinking to himself* this guy didn't even flinch? So he was serious afterall with his bluff.
Ao: scared so much you wet yourself? why didn't you proceed as you planned?

page 7
Ao: or is it because you have no other moves left if i am to counter this pathetic plan of yours?
Fuu: *thinking to himself* he figured me out. I have to make a bluff of my own. but is it too late to try again? gaaahhh i will do it definitely, insulting me like i'm scared huh?
Fuu: *aloud* i was just getting your reaction.and also i am computing for the speed at which i fall. I don't want you to escape when i have you on a bind like this. I won't fail
Ao: tch, then do it already.

page 8: Fuu climbed up again on the tree. He has to have a next move after this one. Should he call Torune for back up? it is still far from here, it would take more than a minute for torune to catch up and assist.
Ao: hey, are you still thinking of jumping down now? don't be afraid too much you know. You won't feel what hit you i swear. You'd die in an instant.

page 9: Fuu is still hesitating to jump.He can't believe this guy can be underestimating him so much it annoys him. He is not good at bluffing he admits. But a split second transfer is not far from impossible. "i can do it" Fuu said to himself as he jumps off the branch and launches himself down, towards the scythe-blade a second time, trying hard not to close his eyes as the blade nears his neck.

page 10: Killerbee is trying to back up a little from Kisame. he is having trouble now because 5 of his tentacles are still regenerating. Kisame was able to chop off 5 of Killerbee's tentacle off with his teeth. now Kisame is slowly gliding towards the octopus, going for the kill.
Kisame: now to end this.

page 11: Killerbee is in a slight state of panic. He is not rapping now.
Killerbee: is it really that bad?
Hachibi: yes it is, i have to regenerate, it would take time.
Killerbee: How long?
Hachibi: gain some 5 minutes for me. i cannot lend you my chakra for now if you want me to make it faster.
Killerbee: alright. i will fight this shark by myself for now. please make it fast.

page 12:Killerbee reverted to his human form. Kisame stopped in his tracks towards killerbee.
Kisame: why did you go back to your original form?!?!
Killerbee: I can handle you boy sharky.
Kisame: have you given up already?!?! come on!! you're not good to eat that way!! transform and let's fight it out at full!!!

page 13: Killerbee noticed something weird from what kisame said. Kisame wants to him to transform? He readies himself as Kisame starts to attack. He was able to avoid most of Kisame's attacks and parry most of his bites with his sword. Killerbee uses ink to avoid some attacks and fall back but kisame easily hunts him down. His scent was already memorized.

page 14: Killerbee notices that unlike earlier, Kisame has lost his appetite. his hunger to destroy him and eat all his chakra. it was like Kisame was pushing him to transform again into one massive chakra. He is now thinking whether it is a better option to try and overpower this monster, or to try and take him out with what he's got left in this ol' Killerbee form.

page 15: Ao is back in his body. He is resting slumped in a nearby tree. Mizukage and the boy bodyguard is with him.
Mizukage: what happened to you?
Ao: Danzou sent one of his men, to kill me and take the byakugan.
Mizukage: that creep, do you know where they are heading now?
Ao: i can locate them but lemme rest awhile,it'll take time to get used again to a normal body
chojiro: ah eh ahm err..
Ao: what is it boy? say it already.
chojiro: can i go take a leak in the bathroom?!
Mizukage: gaaaahhhh!! then go!!!

page 16: back at the iron country where the kage summit occured. Sakura and her team are searching for the whereabouts of Sasuke. Kiba leads them into the chamber where the battle of Raichu and Sasuke happened. They all saw the destruction and wondered what the hell happened at the Kage Summit. Kiba's nose leads them to the room where the 5 kages meet, where the last of sasuke's scent can be smelled. Upon entering the room everybody was surprised.
Sakura: who?!?
Kiba: what?!?
Sai: where?!?
Akamaru: woof?!?
Juugo: why?!?
Suigetsu: oh damn more company?!?!

page 17: Raikage arrived at the ball of water. He can feel Killerbee in there, that jinchuriki chakra of his cannot hide from him now that he's this close. He is fighting someone really strong. He can't believe it either.
Raikage|: all that chakra, but it can't be another jinchuriki. Must be this Kisame we've been warned about.
Darui: Sir, Killerbee is still in it. we must help him, his chakra seems to be on the verge of exhaustion.
Shii: Sir, what are you trying to do?
Raikage dips his cut arm inside the ball of water, he smiled as his team, the first time we ever see him smile.
Raikage: I'm punishing my brother. and I'm taking him back.
Raikage conducts a large amount of lightning chakra from his body into the water, electrifying it with gigavoltages of electricity.

will fried octopus taste better than a fried shark? We saw Kisame's ribcage on 471, will we see more gore from this time on? is this kisame's final form or does he still have something up his fins? Will sakura find sasuke or will she find her death?
next on chapter 473: the curse of the akatsuki cloak

edit: i totally forgot that sabu-chan is inside the blob of water!! ahahaha poor sabu..

11-13-2009, 08:54 AM

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